2021 Crestone/Baca Real Estate Sales Trends – 2021 YTD

Last Updated: August 17, 2021

Home Sales

52 Total Homes have sold in 2021 to date.

The Average Price Per Sq Ft for home sales was $207, up from $170 for 2020 house sales, an increase of $37 per square foot.

2021 YTD Highest Sale Price Home

614 Palomino Way Crestone, CO 81131
Sale price: $610,000

Home Sales Summary

By Price Units Sold  Average Price Per Sq Ft 2021 YTD
$600K+ 1 $151
$500 – 599K 2 $203
$400 -499K 10 $229
$350 – 399K 9 $245
$300 -349K 6 $237
$250 – 299K 13
$200 – 249K  4 $231
$150 – 200K 6
< $149K 1
*195 sq ft tiny home on 15 acres
This report does not include homes sold by builders and FSBO not listed on the MLS.

Houses Sold per Price Range 2017-2021 YTD

Vacant Lots/Land Sales

Total Number of undeveloped parcels sold YTD

Total Number of acres sold:

2021 YTD Highest Sale Price Vacant Land

information coming soon! check back

Commercial Sales

2021 YTD Highest Sale Price Commercial Properties

information coming soon! check back soon

Post Author: Jopa Admin